Generations Family Health Centre opened in 2009. We are a group of enthusiastic family physicians committed to providing the highest quality comprehensive and continuous primary care to our patients.
The clinic utilizes Telus Practice Solutions Suite (PSS) Electronic Medical Records (EMR) for completely paperless patient records. GFHC uses Doctors Services Groups to administer our uninsured services program.
Generations Family Health Centre Physicians:
- Dr. Zane Brickman
- Dr. Sheana E. Desson
- Dr. Kimberly E. Reiter
- Dr. Jodine L. Rosenberg
- Dr. David M. Silver
- Dr. Ilana Geist
- Dr. Maya Amar

Generations FHC is affiliated with the Departments of Family & Community Medicine at the University of Toronto and North York General Hospital.
Most of our physicians are actively involved in teaching undergraduate medical students. We regularly provide placements for students from the University of Toronto, around Canada and even internationally. On occasion you may be introduced to these students who work under the supervision of your doctor. The cooperation, assistance and expertise that our patients provide in helping to train the next generation of doctors is always appreciated.

Generations FHC participates in the Canadian Primary Care Sentinel Surveillance Network (CPCSSN). CPCSSN is a database on chronic diseases across the country, created by pulling information from electronic medical records. The information gathered will help health providers better understand and improve the care received by Canadians with chronic disease. CPCSSN was funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada in agreement with the College of Family Physicians of Canada. All research endeavours within the practice are approved by the Research Ethics Board at North York General. We are diligent in ensuring that privacy and confidentiality of our patients and ethical research protocols are maintained.