Now Available
We are now offering a new option to help with the provision of some uninsured services. In the past, our policy has been to perform these services and then send an invoice via mail or email. Due to increased mailing costs as well as the time and effort required to follow up on unpaid bills, some services may now require prepayment prior to the service being issued. If a particular service is needed immediately or if special considerations may apply, please make an appointment to come to the office to get this service completed in person.
Examples of services that fall under this policy include:
- Email medical advice
- Letters - massage therapy and orthotics
- Completion of some forms - For example back to work/sick notes, camp and fitness club forms
Sign Up/Register
To use this service please register your email address via DSG Secure, this service is run by Doctors Services Group. This is a totally secure environment to enable safe and secure transactions and messages to be sent via the web